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Crowd Karaoke is the ultimate interactive singing experience where the entire crowd becomes the star of the show! With multiple channels available, participants can choose to sing along to their favorite tunes in private or join in the collective karaoke fun with others. Our energetic DJ/Host will lead the crowd through an electrifying night of singing, cheering, and unforgettable moments.

Screenshot 2024-02-22 at 7.51.55 PM.png

Program / Itinerary (Duration: 2 hours)

Welcome & Warm-up (15 minutes)

Show Begins! Song Request or Group Sing-alongs (45 minutes):

Mid-Event: Song Request Channel changes to Karaoke Battles or Theme Round (45 minutes)

Grande Finale (15 minutes):

The night kicks off with a warm welcome from the DJ, explaining how Crowd Karaoke works and inviting everyone to participate. A brief vocal warm-up exercise gets everyone ready to sing their hearts out.

  • Song Request Channel: Participants can submit their song requests to the host, ensuring a diverse playlist that caters to everyone's musical tastes. The host will call participants up as in traditional karaoke. 

  • Group Sing-alongs Channels: The DJ starts with a few crowd-pleasing hits to get everyone in the singing spirit. Participants can choose to sing along individually or join in group sing-alongs on specific channels.

  • Karaoke Battles: As the night progresses, the DJ introduces friendly karaoke battles, where participants can compete in duets or group performances. The audience votes for their favourite performances, adding an element of friendly competition to the event.

  • Themed Rounds: Throughout the event, themed karaoke rounds are introduced, featuring songs from specific genres, decades, or artists. This adds variety and excitement to the singing experience, ensuring there's something for everyone to enjoy.

Grand Finale: The night culminates in a grand finale, where participants come together for an epic group sing-along to a classic anthem or crowd-favourite song. It's a memorable moment of unity and celebration, showcasing the collective spirit of Crowd Karaoke.

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